So I deleted all social media apps from my phone on the night of Ash Wednesday, and didn't redownload them until the night of Easter Sunday and here's what happened:

I didn't know what everyone was doing with their lives at every minute of the day, so when I saw them in person, we were able to have proper conversations. And with those conversations, I was able to give my full attention to the conversation instead of letting my eyes trail to my phone every few minutes.

I was able to invest my time into projects that I wasn't getting distracted by. I had all my uni notes and assignments finished and organised well before their due dates. I was spending less time scrolling through the endless feeds of apps and instead focusing on my subjects. 

I was able to spend the extra time I would have usually had spend scrolling doing things I'd much rather do. Like go and get coffee, or go for a walk. I spent a lot more time doing things that were beneficial to my wellbeing.

I slept so much better! Where I normally go to bed at 9:30 and sit on my phone for a few hours, I was just going straight to bed. I was falling asleep at the drop of a hat and sleeping better throughout the night without the interruptions of notifications alerting me every half hour. 

I also wasn't napping as often as I normally do. Generally, I have to have a 3 hour nap at around 2pm to make it through the evening, but when I deleted the apps, I found I didn't need them as often. Yes, I still had them, but instead of being every day, it started to become around 4 days of the week. And this was saving me some serious time!

My health seemed to be improving. I wasn't getting as many headaches from all the white light screen time I was subjecting myself to, and it was so refreshing! Especially no that I'm looking back on Facebook and Instagram, I notice my eyes straining very quickly compared to when they used to.

I gained control of my time. I was early for events and on time for lunches. I found I wasn't scrolling through my phone losing track of time, instead, I was using that time to organise myself for the day- writing to do lists and actually completing them! 

So if you've got a lot coming up in the next few weeks, I would not hesitate to delete social media apps from your phone. I've just deleted them off my phone again indefinitely because I find I'm so productive without them, and that I don't need social media apps to connect with those in my life. So give it a go- you might even surprise yourself!

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