Walking out of your bedroom on Thursday to all the girls yelling "Wanna go to Surfers for the night?!" wasn't quite what I was expecting when I woke up at 12 am that morning. But we raced over to the information centre and booked a shuttle to Surfers Paradise - an 1.5 hour trip from Byron Bay. 

We had an hour to grab a nights worth of stuff and get back to the bus before we set off! The bus ride was quick and we went past my favourite holiday destination: Palm Beach QLD. I reminisced the holidays spent in unit 7E for years! 

When we made it there, we booked a hostel: Backpackers in Paradise (not until I left did I realise that the paradise was Surfers 'Paradise' ha) We chucked all our stuff in our shared 20 person dorm and headed down to the beach which was really disappointing. We met up with a friend of mine that was staying in Surfers for her Schoolies, when the other girls decided to book a Wicked Club Crawl".  Initially I was pretty sceptical about the company, but the $50 came with free drinks, dinner, and entry to 3 clubs which would individually cost $30 for entry.

We rushed back to the dorm and got ready, before we headed to The Beer Garden and got our little green stickers telling others we were single. With our drinks and sausage sizzles and coleslaw. From there we raced back to the dorm room and grabbed some drinks to save some money, and met the rest of the group at Sin City

Sin City was by far the best place we visited. It was spacious and there were so many people we knew there it was ridiculous! the waitresses were dresses in lingerie but were lovely. I had a great chat with some of them! 

Vanity was next where we asked for vodka sunrises (the best drink ever!!) and danced to Taylor Swift's Love Story screaming it at the top of our lungs. We bumped into more of our friends in there which was pretty lucky!

Then we headed off to Boutique. From there we danced and met some girls from our area! I got to take some of the photos for the even photographer as I got goggly eyes for his fancy camera which he let me play with! I again had a chat with the waitresses and then we got let into the VIP section for free because I was nice to the waitresses. 

We headed back to Sin City where we met more people that we knew. As we all went out to grab kebabs and pizza before heading back to the dorm room. Where we crashed before being waken up at 7 o'clock because our shuttle bus back to Byron Bay was leaving at 9!

It was such a good experience and it made me realise that I wouldn't have liked going to the Gold Coast for schoolies because it's just too much. It might e great for some people, but I'm all for the relaxing type of schoolies. One day was enough and I'm glad that I went because now I've experienced both Byron Bay and Surfer's Paradise!

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